
Showing posts from June, 2017

SEO Images

Images and Alt Text Alternate text or Alt text is a feature added to an image tag in HTML. It appears in a blank image box when the image cannot be displayed for some reason like slow connection, broken URL or user is using a screen reader. Alt text is designed to optimize images for speed and SEO. It helps search engines know what an image is about as they cannot see or interpret images. Image Alt Tag Example : 1.                <!DOCTYPE >    2.                < html >      3.                < body >        4.                < img   src = "seo/images/images-and-alt-text1.png"   alt = "SEO Ima...

Open Graph Meta Tags

Open Graph Meta Tags Open Graph was introduced by Facebook in 2010. It was designed to integrate facebook with other websites. It helped sites to become rich object in social graph, i.e. It allowed webpages to have the same functionality as other objects have on the facebook. There are various Open Graph meta tags that help you control your pages on facebook. They have different meaning and provide different information to facebook so that you page could be displayed accurately on the social media. These tags do not directly affect on-page SEO, but they are definitely directly linked with the performance of your links on social media. OPEN GRAPH Meta Tags types with description: 1.   1)  < meta   property = "og:type"   content = "article" />    This tag is used to show the type of object you are incorporating into the social graph like 1.   2)  < meta   property = "og:url"   content = "http://w...

SEO Meta Tags

Meta Description Meta description is a short paragraph which is placed in the HTML of a webpage. It is a kind of advertising copy that briefly describes the content of your page. Meta description appears under the URL of your page in search engine result pages. It is also known as a snippet. The meta description is an important part of search marketing, i.e. a relevant and compelling description draws users from search engine result pages to your website which improves the click through rate for that webpage. Some  instructions  to write optimized title tags are listed below: Keywords:  Incorporate the most important keywords in your meta description. Readability:  It should be simple and relevant, i.e. it should read like a human-written sentence and keyword stuffing should be avoided. Compelling:  It should be as compelling as possible, i.e. it should clearly describe the content of the page. Length:  It shou...

SEO Canonical Tag

Canonical Tag Canonical Tag is an HTML element that is used to prevent duplicate content issues. It specifies the canonical URL "the preferred version" of a web page and tells search engines that the other similar URLs are not different or duplicates; they are one and the same. See the following example of product page duplication of an e-commerce company; In the image shown above, there are three product pages for the same product "yellow toy car". These pages have the same content except the breadcrumb links. So, with the help of canonical tag we can mark one page as canonical version and eliminate two of the copies. In the above image, using canonical tag we have informed the search engine to consider the page located at [] as original page and the other two URLs as variations of the original page. So, if your site displays the same content on multiple URLs, then by using canonical tag you can sele...

SEO Optimized Domain

SEO Optimized Domain Name Some  important instructions  to optimize domain names: 1) Choose a .com extension:  Most of the SEO experts believe .com is the best choice to end a domain name, i.e. users are more familiar with .com extension and most of the renowned websites also have a .com extension. 2) Choose suitable words:  A domain name can be based on brand or keywords. If your brand is unique and popular you can incorporate it in the domain otherwise incorporate your targeted keywords that reflect your business. 3) Length:  Shorter is better in Domain names as shorter URLs are easier to remember and there are fewer chances of spelling mistakes when they are entered in a browser window. The users also prefer to click shorter URL links on search engine result pages than the longer URL links. 4) Be relevant:  Choose the right words that effectively communicate your message. The users must know from your domain name what kind of products or s...

SEO Headings

Headings Heading tags refer to the headings of the different paragraphs or sections of a page. A heading differentiates a particular section or paragraph from rest of the page and makes it more readable and organized. There can be a maximum of six heading tags which ranges from H1 to H6 and forms a top-down hierarchy, i.e. HI is at the top or more important and H6 is at the bottom or least important. The headings should be used in order from top to down. You cannot skip any of the heading tags in between the sequence otherwise it will break the heading structure which is not recommended for on-page SEO, i.e. H1 tag should be followed by H2 tag not by H3 or any other heading tag. Some important instructions to optimize the headings Never miss the H1 tag on a page as the search spiders tend to look for h1 tags to get the idea about the content of the page. Don't overuse H1 tag, i.e. it should be only one for each page. Use targeted keywords o...