Open Graph Meta Tags

Open Graph Meta Tags

Open Graph was introduced by Facebook in 2010. It was designed to integrate facebook with other websites. It helped sites to become rich object in social graph, i.e. It allowed webpages to have the same functionality as other objects have on the facebook.
There are various Open Graph meta tags that help you control your pages on facebook. They have different meaning and provide different information to facebook so that you page could be displayed accurately on the social media.
These tags do not directly affect on-page SEO, but they are definitely directly linked with the performance of your links on social media.

OPEN GRAPH Meta Tags types with description:

1.  1) <meta property="og:type" content="article"/>  
This tag is used to show the type of object you are incorporating into the social graph like
1.  2) <meta property="og:url" content=""/>  
This tag is used to set the canonical URL for the page you are sharing with social media, i.e. incorporating a web page into the facebook, twitter, etc. Once the web page is incorporated it behaves like a social graph (facebook) page and enjoys the same functionality of other social graph pages. Its use is recommended when you have more than one URL for the same content.
1.  3) <meta property="og:title" content="your title"/>  
This tag is used to show the title of your content. You can use this as a headline to appeal the facebook users. You can also use a different title here as long as it reflects the same message. It is suggested to keep the length of title between 60?90 characters as if it exceeds 100 characters the facebook will truncate it.
1.  4) <meta property="og:description" content="your descriptive copy"/>  
This tag is similar to the meta description tag in HTML. It is also used to describe your content. It is displayed below the link title on facebook, so make it compelling so that more people click on it. It is best to keep it around 200 characters long.
1.  5) <meta property="og:image" content>   
This tag is used to specify the image that you want in the screenshot of your content in the facebook. Choose a square image for best visibility in users' timelines.
1.  6) <meta property="fb:admins" content="USER_ID"/>  
This tag helps you add admin id. Multiple admin ids can be added by using separate tag for each admin ID.
1.  7) <meta property="og:site_name">  
This tag is used to display the name of your website.


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